Category Archives: Bearded Men

1001 Black Men #793

Alternative Press Expo attendee, Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA.


Unfortunately, the patterns that we’ve been seeing recently are consistent: The police don’t show as much care when they are handling incidents that involve young black men and women, and so they do shoot and kill … And then for whatever reason, juries and prosecutor’s offices are much less likely to indict or convict.

–Professor Delores Jones-Brown, Director of the Center on Race, Crime, and Statistics at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City and a former assistant prosecutor in Monmouth County, New Jersey, from “Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men?” by Jaeah Lee

Posted by Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #792


Alternative Press Expo attendee, Fort Mason, San Francisco, CA.

[Y]ou know what they had in their minds that made them act out and beat a black suspect unwarrentedly? They had fear. They were afraid of black men. I know a lot of white cops who have told me. And I interviewed over 900 police officers in 18 months and they started talking to me. It was almost like a therapy session for them.

They would say things like, “Ms. Rice I’m scared of black men. Black men terrify me. I’m really scared of them. Ms. Rice, you know black men who come out of prison, they’ve got great hulk strength and I’m afraid they’re going to kill me. Ms. Rice, can you teach me how not to be afraid of black men.” I mean these [are] cops who are 6’4″. You know, the cop in Ferguson was 6’4″ talking about he was terrified. But when cops are scared, they kill and they do things that don’t make sense to you and me.

–Interview with Constance Rice, NPR

Posted by Ajuan Mance


1001 Black Men #787

Waiting for the bus at the corner of High St. and MacArthur Blvd., Oakland.


No one will admit to being afraid of black men. There is still a degree of pride in the larger society. Abject fear is an emotional and irrational condition. Those people wanting their own definition of “justice” for Michael Brown are being emotional and irrational.

They should wait for all the facts to come out.

It’s hard for the facts to come out when the other guy always seems to end up dead.

–Solomon Alexander, “Fear of a Black Man: A Fact Not in Evidence


Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #783


“The power of the white world is threatened whenever a black man refuses to accept the white world’s definitions.” –James Baldwin

The power of the white world is equally destabilized whenever a Black writer or artist of any gender refuses to accept the narrow range of Black images that the white world has created.

Until Black people deliberately and consistently choose to privilege in their purchases and other forms of consumption those images of Blackness that people of African descent have created in opposition to white supremacy and in the service of our own aspirations and dreams, we remain complicit in our own marginalization and objectification.

We must vote with our wallets for those African American images that affirm our diversity, our beauty, and our strengths. I have not done enough to support those writers and musicians whose works reflect the way Black folks really live; and I have spent entirely too much of my time and my money indulging in the guilty pleasure of those movies and musical performers whose images reflect not the diversity of our experiences, but rather the narrow range of Black character types on which white supremacy depends.

I need to do better. We all need to do better. We must support those creatives whose vision–expressed in music, art, on the stage, or in print–reflects the Black lives we live, rather than the Black lives the mainstream wants to believe that we live. We must Buy Black Back.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #782


Today I grieve the loss of Michael Brown, and I reaffirm my commitment to documenting the lives of the Black men around me.

In a society whose officers of the law too often react to young Black men as though their very existence is a crime, Black men’s simple, daily tasks are acts of resistance. When a Black man carries out the activities of his daily life with style, self-assurance, and beauty, his resistance becomes a work of art.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #781


Foothill Blvd. near High St., Oakland, CA.

I love seeing Black dads with their kids. It brings back warm memories of childhood with my own amazing dad. At the same time, though, there’s something bittersweet about seeing African American men doing one of the most ordinary things in the world–being fathers to their children–and knowing that so many people in this country don’t even believe that loving Black fathers exist.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #777


The San Francisco Bay Area is home to one of largest communities of bears in the western world. In this context, the word bear refers not to large four-legged creatures of the woods, but to large gay men with big beards.

Despite the number of gay bears in this region, the Black bear remains a rare occurrence. So, when I saw these two gentleman at Books Inc. in the Castro, I knew I had to record the moment for posterity.

Ajuan Mance