Category Archives: Oakland

1001 Black Men #795: Black Lives Are Human Lives

Mi Pueblo Grocery Store, High Street, Oakland, California.

Decades of research have demonstrated that a mere subliminal flash of a black man’s face can make us fear the worst — to evaluate ambiguous behavior as aggressive, to miscategorize harmless objects as weapons, to shoot quickly and to inappropriately dispatch a perceived threat.

In video game experiments requiring split-second judgments, subjects — no matter their race, age or attitudes — are quicker to fire at an armed black man than at a white man carrying a gun, and more likely to shoot unarmed blacks than unarmed whites.

That raises criminal justice issues that won’t be resolved by body cameras. It’s a problem centuries in the making, and belongs to all of us.

–Sandy Banks, “Police Expectations Damage Black Men’s Realities

1001 Black Men #789

Waiting for the bus at the corner of High Street and International Blvd, Oakland.


The most important question Ferguson asks isn’t whether cops are good or bad. It isn’t even whether Wilson was afraid “enough” to justify killing. It’s why black boys and men make so many people so profoundly scared. Either there is something irredeemably dangerous in the very DNA of black males justifying the fear — or we’re living a lethal lie.

–Savala Nolan Trepczynski, “Time to Unlearn Fear of Young Black Men


Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #788

Filling the tank at the 76 service station, High St. and MacArthur Blvd., Oakland.


This is a plea to those officers who are unflinching in the gravest of dangers, whose courage is forged in the crucible of our nation’s worst emergencies, yet who lose all composure when facing the grimace of a Black man. The concept of diversity, like Eric Garner, is large, beautiful, and sometimes intimidating. America will only be America once we learn how to fully appreciate it, not fear it.

–Brandon Hill, “Negrophobia: Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and America’s Fear of Black People


Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #787

Waiting for the bus at the corner of High St. and MacArthur Blvd., Oakland.


No one will admit to being afraid of black men. There is still a degree of pride in the larger society. Abject fear is an emotional and irrational condition. Those people wanting their own definition of “justice” for Michael Brown are being emotional and irrational.

They should wait for all the facts to come out.

It’s hard for the facts to come out when the other guy always seems to end up dead.

–Solomon Alexander, “Fear of a Black Man: A Fact Not in Evidence


Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #784


CVS on Fruitvale Ave, Dimond District, Oakland, CA.


Every time I see a Black man who appears to be in his twenties, I can’t help but wonder what would happen to him if something he did or something he was carrying in his hands (a wallet, a phone, a pair of glasses) caused a police officer to fear for his life. Is it possible that the greatest threat to the safety and survival of an unarmed Black man is a frightened police officer?

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #782


Today I grieve the loss of Michael Brown, and I reaffirm my commitment to documenting the lives of the Black men around me.

In a society whose officers of the law too often react to young Black men as though their very existence is a crime, Black men’s simple, daily tasks are acts of resistance. When a Black man carries out the activities of his daily life with style, self-assurance, and beauty, his resistance becomes a work of art.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men #781


Foothill Blvd. near High St., Oakland, CA.

I love seeing Black dads with their kids. It brings back warm memories of childhood with my own amazing dad. At the same time, though, there’s something bittersweet about seeing African American men doing one of the most ordinary things in the world–being fathers to their children–and knowing that so many people in this country don’t even believe that loving Black fathers exist.

Ajuan Mance