1001 Black Men–#111

Have you noticed that almost every cafe has wi-fi these days, and how almost every cafe with wi-fi is serving as the home office for an army of laptop-wielding telecommuters and students. Don’t mistake my observation for a critique, though. I am one of those laptop jockeys, and on any given day I can be seen poring over a manuscript or some research notes at one of several East Bay haunts. I love the new and expanded identity of the cafe. I really enjoy what feels like an unspoken bond with the other workers. And, more than anything else, I love that I can take my office with me wherever I go, preferably to a location that serves big glasses of ice tea.

But I digress. The man is this picture has struck a classic cafe pose. His laptop is just outside of the field of view, and he’s day dreaming, resting his eyes after staring into a computer screen for the past two hours. Starting off into space is a prime activity of telecommuters. Present company included.


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