Happy Valentines Day to all of my readers and friends! I was all set to post this drawing, having completed it last night, when I remembered that today was February 14th. Somehow I had disconnected the card shopping and dinner reservations and all of the other things that were on my agenda for today from my art making process last night.
Why is that a problem? Well, all of the men in this piece were dressed in shades of yellow and greenish yellow. Not very Valentines-y, I know. So, I went back to the drawing board, so to speak, recolored the drawing in shades of pink, and voila! Here it is.
So please do enjoy this portrait of three 1970s-era lovermen, dressed in the style of Superfly and so many of the other Black male style icons of the Pre-Carter seventies.
Hope you’re having a great V-Day, even if you don’t choose to celebrate it at all.
Ajuan Mance