1001 Black Men–#321

When I saw this guy in the crowd at the AIDS Ride fundraiser last night, I had to look at him three or four times before I could be sure he wasn’t my brother’s friend Mike.

Mike, if you’re reading this, you should know that you have a doppelganger out there. He really looks quite similar to you, minus the fact that he probably doesn’t work out much (sorry fundraiser dude, but it’s true). The main difference between the two of you, though, is that he has a gap and you don’t.

RE: The fundraiser

It seemed like a large crowd, and so I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the team raised a lot of money for the ride, which is terrific. Having entered middle age, I can say that I don’t have that Sunday-night=dance-party-with-a-live-band energy that I did–say–twenty-five years ago. Still, the organizers knew their audience well, and they put together a lineup of acts that had the crowd swaying and singing all evening long.

Shout out to Brock Cocker, Kentucky Fried Woman, and Drew Montana for a great performance of Rhianna’s “Only Girl in the World.”

Ajuan Mance

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