Last week, there was a teenage kid in the parking lot of the Farmer’s Joe’s grocery store approaching customers with a clipboard and asking them to purchase newspaper subscription. This is not an uncommon sight in the East Bay; but no one ever seems too happy to see these young men, and I can’t imagine that their efforts are terribly profitable. The man in this drawing was pretty much fed up with being approached for money in the parking lot, or at least that’s what I gathered from the bits of conversation that I overheard. Most of the people who the high school kid attempted to approach just walked away quickly without really looking at him, and I give the man in this drawing at least some credit for speaking to the young man. Still, soliciting donors in a grocery store parking lot is a tough row to hoe. I feel for these kids. I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t do this is they weren’t told to by some adult. I hope at least some of any profits that they do make comes back to them.
Ajuan Mance