Category Archives: Black Men

1001 Black Men–#666



Here’s the last drawing from last week’s trip to Kaiser Oakland. This security officer passed through the area where I was waiting to get my flu shot. Most of the hospital security staff I’ve seen at Kaiser work for the Securitas company; but, as you can see from this drawing, I took some liberties with their three-circle logo. I think it looks sportier this way. If they’d like to use it for a little bit of an image upgrade, I’d be happy to share.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men–#665


Here’s another drawing from my recent flu shot trip to Kaiser Oakland. This man was standing in the lobby across from the elevators at the Fabiola building. We made eye contact for an extended moment, and I am not sure if his was a gaze of approval or curiosity (wondering, perhaps, how someone with such a young face could have so much gray hair). I do know, however, that he was still staring as I boarded the elevator for the third floor.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men–#662


It’s been fun rediscovering children’s literature with my niece. The Alameda Free Library is the setting for most of our reading adventures. Two Wednesdays before Christmas, we went to the library and read a whole pile of picture books, including Robin Tzannes and Korky Paul’s Professor Puffendorf’s Secret PotionsI loved this book, but my niece didn’t quite feel the same way So, I put it in the books-for-Ajuan pile, along with Mo Willems’ Knufflebunny (which both of us found laugh-out-loud funny). Then, we went upstairs to the nonfiction section and played hide and seek in the stacks while I looked for books on paleo nutrition. I sorta kinda bumped into this guy as I was leading my niece back down the stairs to the checkout area.

Ajuan Mance



1001 Black Men–#659



Ever since I completed my Black Santa ‘zine, I’ve been hyper aware of those older brothers who have Black Santa potential. This man was shopping at the Berkeley Bowl on one of those warm pre-Christmas shopping days that blew through the Bay Area last week. He was wearing a dark v-neck T-shirt that showed off his impressively muscular upper-body. If Black Santa was a body builder, he’d probably look like this guy.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men–#658


I was going through my summer sketchbooks to make sure I hadn’t overlooked any drawings, and I came across this picture. I did this one during the mandatory information session for float monitors at San Francisco Pride. The man in this drawing was one of literally hundreds of attendees who showed up for the training and information session held at the Bench and Bar in downtown Oakland.

Ajuan Mance