Category Archives: What Do Brothas Do All Day

1001 Black Men–#638


A few years ago I came across a book called Where Men Hide. It was written by James B. Twitchell, and it was something between a homage to and a social history of the spaces and institutions in the U.S. that have served as gathering places for men. Twitchell argues that these gathering places have also served not only as places for enjoying the camaraderie of other men, but also as retreats from the scrutiny of women and children and the demands of fatherhood, work, and romantic partnership; and he believes that these spaces are on the decline.

Among those spaces whose gradual disappearance Twitchell explores are fraternal organizations, VFW halls, hunting lodges, and barbershops. I know relatively little about the first three types of spaces, and I am willing to take Twitchell’s analysis of their role at face value. I am, however, fairly well-versed on the subject of barbershops and, in my experience, the barbershop business is doing just fine.

I have worn a short ‘fro since 1986, and I have been going to barbershops for most of the last 27 years. From what I can see, the Black barbershop–as a business, a gathering place, and as beloved cultural icon– is thriving. And I’m not just referring to Black barbershops in Oakland. I have found this to be true in pretty much every place I’ve lived or visited that has at least a critical mass of Black people. What do I mean by critical mass? Well, the one place I lived that had no Black barbershop at all was Eugene, Oregon which, at the time, had a Black population of less than one percent (in a city of about 120,000 people). Providence, Rhode Island, where I studied and worked from 1984 to 1990, had the second lowest Black population, percentage-wise, of anywhere I’ve lived, with about 3% (at the time). This was in a metropolitan area of around a million residents. Back then, however, there were at least two Black barbershops on the city’s East Side alone (which was not, incidentally, the part of the city in which most Black people lived). So, I suppose that the critical mass necessary for a city to have at least one Black barbershop would have to be somewhere between the 1200 Black folks who lived in Eugene and the nearly 30,000 who lived in Providence and surrounding cities.

The point of all this geeking out over population statistics is to say that, then as now, in heavily Black cities like Oakland as well as in areas with slimmer Black populations like Providence, barbers who cater to people of African descent seem to be doing a brisk business. Their establishments are gathering places for the community and the barber’s themselves are the holders, creators, and transmitters of Black aesthetics.

I really like Twitchell’s book, but his conclusion that the barbershop is on the decline is one of many indications that his title is misleading.* Instead of Where Men Hide, it should probably be something along the lines of Where White Men Hide; and there’s nothing really wrong with that. Not every book has to be about Black people. The problem is when the writer fails to notice or even acknowledge the exclusionary nature of his text.

Ajuan Mance

*Another clue that his is a race-specific text is Twitchell’s long discussion of model railroading, a hobby whose minority participants have expressed concern about the lack of diversity (although a small number its Black participants hold prominent positions in model railroading organizations).

1001 Black Men–#637



This drawing from the What Do Brothas Do All Day ‘zine was a special challenge. My goal was to recall the men I’ve encountered at my favorite local grocery store and to depict them in a way that would make clear that they were food shopping, but without actually representing the store itself in the background. Instead, the background image is a repeating image of a cluster of fresh vegetables, a simple pattern that allows the figures to fully dominate the foreground, despite the limited color palette.

Ajuan Mance


1001 Black Men–#635



Here’s another drawing from my newest ‘zine. The image in the background is an early photo of the Florida A&M University (FAMU) marching band. The photo was taken during the 1940s, long before the indictment, conviction, and sentencing of several of the band members for the 2011 hazing death of FAMU drum major Robert Champion. The uniforms on the drawn figures do not represent one particular Black college band, but rather the HBCU marching band tradition as a whole. The photo in the background is offered as a reminder of the distinguished history of HBCU bands and as a call for the rejection of the brutal hazing that has overshadowed this powerful legacy.

Ajuan Mance

1001 Black Men–#632



This drawing of two men sunning their toes at Alameda Beach was initially intended to be in my What Do Brothas Do All Day ‘zine, but I ran out of time. I was premiering this ‘zine at the Alternative Press Expo and I only had enough time to complete a portion of the pieces I was going to include.

The great thing about doing your own publishing, though, is that you can create new editions of your work whenever you want. This drawing will be a part of the new and expanded version of What Do Brothas Do All Day, the one that’s available on Etsy and at Art Murmur and the East Bay Zine Fest.

Ajuan Mance

PS: The background image is from a vintage postcard of what the publishers claim is the San Francisco skyline, but it doesn’t really look like San Francisco to me.
